Survey for people who get less than 16 miles per gallon of gas?

If gas prices go up $2 more per gallon, will your next vehicle be something that gets better gas mileage, or will you choose a similar type of vehicle?


I currently drive a V-6...20 mpg combined. Not great on gas, but I don't drive much so I'm not sure what I would do.


Rajan....OPEC says they won't lower prices anytime soon. They said that the market sets the price and they haven't raised prices...and the reason it's higher is due to the weak dollar. If that is true, then the bank bailouts will weaken the dollar and gas will go higher.


Favorite Answer

Yes, definitely... I drive a JEEP cherokee V8 4x4, and I work in the next town over, go though gas like its water LOL, But next car gonna be 4 cylinder.


All 3 candidates for President want a carbon Tax,They also want a Tax on evil oil companies,that trickles down to us.I think gas will be $10 a gallon in 3 years,I drive a car that gets 20 mpg, I drive less but cannot afford a 30mpg car.I feel sorry for working people young& old.

"In addition to seeking to eradicate poverty, that (U.N.) declaration commits nations to banning 'small arms and light weapons' and ratifying a series of treaties, including the International Criminal Court Treaty, the Kyoto Protocol (global warming treaty), the Convention of Biological Diversity, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention of the Rights of the Child," he said.

Those U.N. protocols would make U.S. law on issues ranging from the 2nd Amendment to energy usage and parental rights all subservient to United Nations whims.Obama bill: $845 billion more for global poverty
Democrat sponsors act OK'd by Senate panel that would cost 0.7% of gross national product
Posted: February 14, 2008
3:53 pm Eastern


Barak Obam

Sen. Barack Obama, perhaps giving America a preview of priorities he would pursue if elected president, is rejoicing over the Senate committee passage of a plan that could end up costing taxpayers billions of dollars in an attempt to reduce poverty in other nations.

The bill, called the Global Poverty Act, is the type of legislation, "We can – and must – make … a priority," said Obama, a co-sponsor.

que x2008-03-16T05:21:40Z

I would like to get an economy car, my be a hybrid, but just got done paying for my V-6 truck. Don't want monthly payments for a long while. It gets descent gas mileage, 15-17 MPG combined. Just have to drive conservatively.


i get 14 mpg because my car is f***ed up it got 17 a few months ago, but no my lease expires in may and im getting me a ridgeline and i expect to get about 13-14 mpg, i trust that gas prices will go down after bush is taken out of the white house as long as mccain does not come in i really want Obama to get in, i think he will raise taxes or at least not give these big tax breaks bush is doing, and he will pay off our enormous debt which is why oil is so expensive (oil is traded in US dollars)
i dont feel safe in cars i was in an accident 2 years ago and still in pain if i was in a car instead of an SUV i might have had to go to the hospital, i will continue to drive a truck or suv i dont really care how high gas prices go i will pay it, yesterday i payed almost $50 for a little over 14 gallons, i saw the price spinning faster then a slot machine, it really pissed me off but i will continue

the reason the dollar is weak is because we are in billions and billions of dollars in debt because of the pointless war in Iraq
that is why gas prices are up, and they will stay up until bush leaves office with his ridicules tax breaks and tax cuts and we start paying off our debt that is what i said in my answer

Anthony M2008-03-16T17:54:04Z

I drive my V-8 powered truck 2 days weekly getting 11MPG.

I selected it because we own & show a horse in competition frequently...we must tow a large horse trailer.

At this point it is cheaper to pay more at the gas pump rather than owning a 2nd vehicle that gets better mileage.

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