Why did Obama take so long to distance himself from his racist anti American pastor?

If I don't agree with my pastor, I tell him, I then go to the board of trustees and possibly leave that church.


Why would I leave? Would you go to a doctor who is sick or malpracticing?


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Because he agrees with his pastor.

Barack Obama has been a member of that church for over twenty years.

If barack Obama did not know what his pastor was saying that alone disqualifies Barack obama as being unbelievably naieve and unaware fo what is going on around him

I heard a tape of some excerpts of sermons from this pastor.

In one of the excerpts clearly the pastor could be heard saying that the Muslim Terrorists were justified hijackin gthose planes and flying them into the World Trade Center Towers on 9/11.

Barack Obama has publicly listed this pastor as one of his spiritual advisors.

Barack Obama want to be the President and Comnmander in chief of the United States of America.

One of the jobs of the Commander in chief is to protect us from Muslim Terrorists.

the man Barack obama claims as his spiritual advisor says that the Muslim Terrorists were justified in hijacking those planes.

Can we really expect Barack Obama to be an effective Commander in Chief protecting us from Muslim Terrorists when his spiritual advisor says the Muslim Terrorists were justified in hijacking those planes and flying those planes intoe the world trade center towers.

Barack Obama may be a very bright guy with good intentions but he shows very bad judgment when he selects a ppastor who belives that it is perfectly acceptable to hijack airliners and crash them into high rise buildings killing thousands of people if you disagree with the policies of the government.

Barack Obama shows very poor judgment and clearly is not ready to be the President of the United States and the Commander in Chief.

In fact based on what I heard from the man that Barack Obama claims as his spiritual advisor, I doubt that Barack Obama ever will be ready to be President of the United States.

Julie G2008-03-17T00:23:29Z

I am not for anyone, I am only indepedent. As I am happy to give what I think here. Remember he said in his interview, that his pastor is his friend or as his old uncle, but he did not invited him to be part of his campaign because he thought along with his staff his pastor would be a problem last year. At that time, I think Obama had not really into it with confronting his pastor's comments after had him in his wedding and his children's baptisms until Obama decided to run for the Presidential nominee against Clinton. It seems after I heard on the news, Most of the blacks kind knew about it for a long time and look the other way ,not to say much to the white people and it is not new thing to the blacks. I never gone to the black Church, it is an open eye for me. I still think it is not real issue to bash Obama over this, but sure bring us to the new level to look closely at Obama as who he's really is as person.


This is what Hillary had stuffed in her sock, and broke it out only when Bill wasn't close enough to get his delights off of. It is part of what everyone is considering a failed strategy and a campaign that is struggling on the part of the Clintons. She will win the nomination ...
and lose in the general.


Because Obama is a Racist anti-American. Anyone who refuses to say the pledge or swear on the Bible should not even be allowed to run for president. In truth, they shouldn't be allowed to be an American Citizen, natural born or not. Ever heard of the Anti-Christ?


You're expecting him to micro manage a church he hasn't actively attended since he began running for president. That's not very realistic.
By the way, are you saying that you would leave your church after only one disagreement with your pastor? That doesn't sound very realistic either.

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