Are you "out" during a paintball match if the paintball hits you but does not burst?


Favorite Answer

If it doesn't burst you're still in. The most that might happen would be the other player might call for a paint check in which a ref will look you over to make sure you're playing fair, you could also call the ref over and have him look at you to make sure there isn't a spot you didn't see. It's more honorable than playing with a mark on you.

On a side note the balls that don't break hurt the most.

grn beret 2b2008-03-17T21:05:37Z

The way I've always played, you aren't out if it bounces, or doesn't burst. However, I have heard of people playing where if it hits you, whether it bursts or not, you're out. The best thing to do would be to get an agreement from both teams on what to do if that should happen.


"Bounces" do not count. If you feel a hit and can't see if the paintball actually broke, do the right thing and call the ref over for a paint check.


I prefer playing if you get hit no matter what your out but professionally it has to break. So your answer is NO but depending what and where you play you can change the rules to suit everyone.


No, you keep playing. You only call yourself out when it breaks, or if its in a spot that you cant see or touch but your definitely hit there.

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