Can some ask the judge...?

to speed up the Atantuya they still argue why is there a bird bone in the bone samples


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u mean a bone?


the judge cannot be speedy coz then all the evidence will not be examine thoroughly. the person argued that there is bird bone in the bone since the bones were scattered and the csi has to collect each one of it. so there is a possibility of mix up and the judge needs to be very careful. if there is a doubt that the three accused did commit the act, then the judge needs to release him and if they were found guilty, they could be hang to death! you see if someone else's life is in your hand, would you decide quickly? can you sleep soundly at night?:)


So what, Grissom the CSI Miami guy would have said very intelligently that she most probably swallowed a bone. Yes I agree with you that has nothing to do with being blown away.


I am sure Gindy has something to do with the bird bone. He thought he got rid of it cleanly.


maybe altantuya ate a bird for lunch

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