How to remove the information of the system displayed above the taskbar?

In my system, the OS displays information about which Os is it, which service pack it has and a lot of other things above the taskbar. How to remove this information ? ( It destroys the appeal of my desktop)

It looks something like this :

Windows XP Professional
Build 2600.xpsp_xpsp2_qfe.070227-2300 (Service Pack 3, v.3264)
I checked all the programs but it didn't work
Is there a registry hack please tell me


Favorite Answer

Go here
and download the "turn off" and then double click it to enter it to the registry.
You shouldn't have it on the desktop anymore


I would uninstall SP3 and try again or do the restore you set before you downloaded SP3,
if you want to try something else try XP manager from for free 14 days clean your registry and optimization good luck cheers.


registry hack
"Service"="i8042prt"and edit this value "*pnp070a"