Snce You Have Been Online. Do You Find It More Difficult To Interact With People Face To Face?

I don't. I think I've become a better communicator because of my interactions online!


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I don't know that it has changed either way, but in some ways, there are some things missing about communicating online. The non verbal cues, the sparkle in someones eyes, the nod, or wink, the tone and pitch of ones voice, for example.


I think I've become less bothered with face to face conversations as I find it easier to chat online, I wouldn't say I find it more difficult to interact face to face, I'm just lazy!

Medicine Woman2008-03-20T16:49:36Z

Not at all, I prefer face to face since facial expressions lets you know if the person knows what they are talking about or if they are just making up an answer to a question. Face to face lets you question them more about their answer and face to face lets you know for sure if you are speaking to a man or woman, or a young teen-ager.


me too! Funny you should ask because I thought about this the other day. I am more outgoing since I have been on YA. These comebacks that I always thought but never expressed...I know express outwardly, not just online

yip yip yip2008-03-20T14:20:25Z

Not at all. I specialize in communications.

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