Ever consider switching "Teams"?

* Yahoo head cases: This is a question, not chatting...or did they not teach you that in that special school... you know, the one you took the short bus to? Again, this is an open question geared to the entire YA community and is not in any way shape or form "Chatting". Now, settle down & get back to work.


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{face into arm so laughter not so loud}

hmm...if I answer this properly..it could lead me to trouble. If I don't answer properly..it could lead to trouble. I screwed either way..err..figuratively of course.

Let me put it this way..I am open to new experiences..at times.


yup I have right before ending my first marriage. I even had a friend that was interested in helping me. But I was just really starved for attention, confused about my life and well a bit curious.
I didn't want to end up hurting her in my confused state so I didn't allow anything to begin.
She was sweet and if I was going to switch I would give her a call.


I'm a home town team kind of guy hun. No flipping the switch here.


I switch teams all the time since I'm perfectly willing to play for both. Occasionally I'll even play for both at the same time.


Yes I actually have....
now I don't believe in marriage, but I am actually considering marrying this girl....I mean why the hell not...
two crazies can put up with each other...can't they?

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