Can you name a child after your favorite band(s)?

Seeing as Y!A likes to put my questions in the pregnancy section, try to name a child after your favorite band(s). This isn't serious guys, so make them funny!


sarah - That's fantastic! I love it!


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Is there a Sex Pistol in the class ?


Unless I marry a man with the last name Floyd and I nickname my baby "Pink" then theres no way I'm naming my child after a band. Although, maybe a middle name of a musician would be okay. My cousin has the middle name "Henley" after Don Henley of The Eagles. Its not a weird name, but anything like Lady Gaga would just be plain strange :)


Forget about naming a poor child Nine Inch Nails. That's just asking for a lifetime of therapy. Now, Rob Zombie <insert last name here> would be a rad name that would earn the respect of all. Who wouldn't want to have a middle name of Zombie? I hate my real middle name and would consider changing it to that.

Scream Bloody Gore anti jonas2008-03-20T15:51:28Z

Goatwhore Soilent Green


Kix, April Wine, Cinderella, 3 inches of Blood

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