What is the "Homosexual Agenda"?

I know several gay people and they haven't got a clue what it is. The only ones who use this phrase in fact are the people who are so sure they're being threatened by it.


Jenny Kim: You can't be serious? Why would a homosexual marry someone of the opposite sex when they have no attraction to them?


cadisney: I'm struggling to understand what's wrong with teaching children that it's not OK to beat people up for being gay...


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Some items on the homosexual agenda:

a) Trying to change the definition of marriage to suit them. (It's not, contrary to what they say, a push for "equal rights" -- because they already have a right to marry someone of the opposite sex, just like everyone else.)

b) Trying to force a "gay is OK' agenda in public schools -- even on kids who may come from families with religious or moral opposition to homosexual acts

c) A tendency to "gay up" TV shows and movies, where there's at least one character who's homosexual even when his/her homosexuality has nothing to do with the story line. These gay characters are typically portrayed very positively

d) A penchant for labeling anyone who disagrees with them as being "hateful," "intolerant," or "feeling threatened"

e) A tendency to attack their debate opponents with some of the most vicious, hateful vitriol you'll ever see. I've gotten some of it at times. And many conservative columnists say that, of all the vicious hate mail they get, the worst typically comes from gays or their supporters

f) Related to "e," a penchant for especially singling out religious entities, especially Catholic or other Christian ones, for vicious attack. Case in point: the "Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence" and the gay street fairs in San Francisco


I think Jenny Kim may wish to stone me. As for what is included in the Homosexual Agenda; I have no idea. It is the title of a new v-cast that I saw. It seems to just keep everyone informed on issues involving the civil liberties of all people. In reality there should be a Homosexual Agenda. Just has I am sure that every other group that has been denied civil liberties has had. On a more personal note to Jenny Kim, I would guess the only time you go to the Castro is during the fairs so you can complain. And if you chose a spouse purely based on the fact that he was the opposite sex; please do not have children. They do deserve a loving home even if you do not think you do.


People who think it is ''their' right to monitor the lives of others! Namely Homosexuals, are the only ones with an ''agenda''!
That would be bigoted, homophobes, who preach love and practice hate!!
Gays, and Lesbians,only want to live their lives with their partners, just llke anyone else does!!
Now, how in the hell, does THAT threaten any heterosexual.
Religious fanatics should learn, that other people's bedrooms, are NONE of THEIR BUSINESS!!

And Jenny Kim???
Have you ever heard of Karma?
Well, I think, now, IT has heard about YOU!!!!!

Cannot nots? I think it is gonna be looking at you too,!

If standing up for people, makes me a bigot??, whether it be Gay rights, or ANYBODY'S rights?,, well then, guess what?????
I guess I am,bigot!!
It seems to me, Cadisney, as an LDS?, you would be very aware of discrimination, and how rotten, it feels!
Aware enough, to respect the rights of others, whether YOU agree with them, or not!!


I'm a gay man.

I play chess with my grandfather.
I visit my mothers' grave.
I take my sisters shopping.
I work hard.
I pay my taxes.
I feed my pet fish.
I go for coffee with my friends.
I babysit my nephews.
I do yoga.

I'm single. I haven't had sex in 4 months.

Is this a 'gay lifestyle'? No. I live an ASHLEY lifestyle.

My 'homosexual agenda' - if I had one, would be to bring back re-runs of The Brady Bunch on commercial television! LOL!

Angel Eyes2008-03-20T21:47:44Z

The homosexual agenda (or the gay agenda) is a term used by some social conservatives in the United States to describe the goal of increasing the acceptance and equality of LGBT people through public policies, media exposure, and cultural change. The term is most often employed by social conservatives in debates over LGBT rights in the United States. Some believe that this agenda is a secret one.

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