Senator Obama's pastor Reverend Wright spoke out against pro-life advocates....?

He says they rob women of their 'right to choose.' It seems disturbing that a church proclaiming Christ as its Savior would believe that abortion on demand is acceptable in the eyes of God.
Are there other Christian churches out there that are pro-choice or are at least completely silent on the issue?

Jeff M2008-03-21T20:47:16Z

Favorite Answer

I agree with you. Abortion is murder, no matter what.
"Before you were concieved, I knew you"


The Rev. has a redeeming quality I see.

Backing a woman's right to a choice is not speaking "out against pro-life advocates."

I cannot believe that there are too many churches that will condone abortion. The facts are that the majority of abortions are performed on Christian women. So, you pro-lifers are in the minority. Thank God.


Hillary doesn't need to attack Wright. Just sit back and watch this angry black man make a mockery of himself. He speaks for a minority of blacks, who would worship him anyway. The rest of America look at him as either a crackpot or a white-hating racist. So Hillary is smart to say nothing and just let it play out. What goes around comes around; don't be surprised if some white supremacy group caps this lunatic.


I don't know. All I can say is that Pro-Lifers that murder people to prevent abortions are just wack jobs. 2 wrongs don't make a right.
I am pro-life but not a fanatical killing maniac. I have a firm belief in everyones own accountability. I advocate educating women of all options and also methods of prevention.

allan b2008-03-21T20:48:52Z

Both Senator Obama and Reverend Wright are lost and on the way to hell. They are not Christian and do not speak for Christians, even though they take the name of Christ in vain.
My advice to them is the same that Jesus gave: Repent and be born again. Repentance is turning away from sin.

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