Shocking statement : Hindus....Indians?


" I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar , who is a thief , such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values , people of such high caliber , that I do not think we would ever conquer this country , unless we break the very back bone of this nation , which is her spiritual and cultural heritage , and , therefore , I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system , her culture , for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own , they will lose their self-esteem , their native culture and they will become what we want them , a truly dominated nation."

Is this statement the ANSWER to ALL SOCIAL EVILS IN INDIA >>
1) Caste system
2) Sati pratha
3) Financial Backwardness

Is India trying to get back Her lost Glory??
Are we seeing any progress??



Caste system based on Work/Merit existed...NOT the one based on Birth...



thanks for "teaching"


Poondi sir...

You have given very good explainations...I am not agitated about it.....just trying to analyse ..... How can we bring back that well as defend ourselves for the future...Because if the Great culture is not preserved....God only knows what will happen....

Should parents target their Children...teach them the beauty of our pure ancient culture..and religion?


Sita and Ranger...

What can be the solution for this problem..??
Are parents responsible??


Dieto sir,

You also bring me back from physical world into Spiritual world...Thanks sir..

But still If our culture is not preserved.....How will be the great knowledge imparted to our future generations...

I completely agree that "maya" will go on strangling mllions of them in her clutches...But our Sanatana Dharma is the ONLY way to come out of its clutches.....
I also agree that Kalyug will take its course and it is Shri Hari's leela at work..But still....
Thanks again..


Brother Dinesh..

There is more reality than our history books...Search and you will find...Thanks...

Namaste Sada Vatsale Matribhume
Twaya Hindubhume Sukham Vardhitoham
Mahanmangale Punyabhume Twadarthe
Patatwesh Kayo Namaste, Namaste!
Vande Mataram!
((Bow to Thee, 0, Living Motherland, forever!
Brought up by Thee am I in happiness,
0, Land of the Hindus!
0, most sacred and holy Land, for Thy sake
May this body fall! Bow to Thee, Bow to Thee,
for ever and ever!))


Rup di..

Good explainations


Neil ...

Thanks..very informative



Beautiful... :)



Thanks brother...



Interesting Sir......

But Here we are made to "feel" bad and things which are foriegn are made to feel good...Sad....


Aradhana di..

Yes...westerners are accepting Our culture and our recent generations are accepting foriegn culture....
There is a Tremendous need of Spirituality along with tradition and culture to guide back our youth from Self-destruction....

Ahhh Kalyuga...

We Indians have always picked up "good" things from every culture....but when the definition of "good" becomes difficult..



"English"....???....More than 90 % of Indians dont use English as a language for communication...

And whatever " Industrial" developments they did was for their own spped the process of Looting...

The Culture is So STRONG that they just succeded in destabilizing it.....

We Hindus fell for " Vasudhaiv Kutumbikam " and " Ateethi devo bhava ".....and they used this to their benefit..



As i said they were able to "DESTABILIZE" it ..not destroy it ...So our culture is not brittle.

Read more about our culture to gain insight..Thanks


Favorite Answer

My Dear Soul Anon,

One of my Beloved and Revered Master, Shankara Says :

Dinamapi Rajani Saayam Praatah,
Shishir Vasantho Punaraa Yaataha,
Kaala Kridathi Gatchatyaayuhu,
Tadapinamunchathi Aashavayaha !

Days continuously with mornings, evenings , nights etc are passing by. Summer, Spring and other Seasons are also continuously passing.

This way The TIME keeps playing on this ground, and the life is every moment loosing an opportunity to realize itself,
Don't give up to this game of desires and ego, Go beyond !

So , my dear Brothers and Sister, It is absolutely waste to think about what crooked plans were made by whom, because no one can ever do anything without the divine will.

You see it is all a play of Yoga-Maya, Maha-Maya and Maya.

You see different energies of lord expand with different responsibilities and they complete there responsibility with complete precision and perfection.

The same thing with us, because we are ALSO the same part and parcel of the eternal lord.

So, don't involve and engage your mind in such subjects itself. it is just one more way off adding conditioning and such events are generated throughout the history of life manifested on this planet and everywhere else, to degrade or upgrade the "Supposed to be" conciousness on that particular plane.

But a wise mind should try to relax and stop itself. a wise soul should direct his will to realize the original nature of his own and by that realizing everything else.

Such events of time loop keeps repeating itself. May be next time time will choose you yourself to play the role of "LORD MACAULAY".

It is so funny isn't it. By all this WHAT or WHO is being destroyed. Nothing absolutely nothing.

Everything is perfect and everything is auspiciousness itself, it is causeless and reasonless, it is divine by its very nature, it is Siva by its very nature, it is auspicious by its very nature, and all these auspiciousness are part and parcel of a singular eternal hari.

So many events to take your interest and make you miss yet another opportunity of starting the final journey. Maye, Maata , Divine Mother, I fall at your feet, because nothign can condition us better than you. you are the real and supreme conditioner, and your grace is required to break from this conditioning too.

The very moment you distinguish, your are missing yet another opportunity, but anyways there are infinite opportunities more.

Country , world, universe, caste, human, female, male , western , eastern ... how many more lines you want to draw, to condition yourself more, and to give much more potholes, for you to loose many more opportunities.


Deito Urges all his brothers and sisters. all his co-travellers.

Lord bless all, Lord bestow his mercy on all fallen souls, and may he seed the sacred and ultimate seed of "Seeking for truth" in all the hearts, and let all direct there will towards this supreme aim. Hari Aum. Aum namo bagavathe Vaasudevaaya !

{ { {

Edit : A true follower of sanathana dharma will automatically preserve and nourish it. without any doubt.

} } }
-- Deito

Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


Yes its true. Caste system did exist before but the purpose and the way it was managed was totally different. People were divided into different castes according to their nature of work. This was very important for the smooth functioning of a society. There was no hatred in this system. Each caste had its own particular importance and significance.
For ex. if Shudras did not exist, the whole cleaning system of the society would stumble . Similarly Brahmins were responsible for the education system, the Kshatriyas for the security of the city or state and the Vaishyas would deal with the business. So it was not according to birth initially but according to the nature of work.

But slowly the Britishers using their divide and rule policy fanned the sentiment which showed hatred towards the lower castes. It would benefit them, since they would recruit the lower caste people and convert them to Christians. Since the lower caste people did not get any respect in Hinduism, they would get converted easily.

Sati pratha was already stopped by Prahlad Maharaj. When Hiranyakashapu was killed, he did not let her mother jump in the flames of her husbands pire. So I don't know who instigated it to start again.

Before the Britishers came, India was called 'golden bird'. The Britishers looted and stole everything making India poor.

I don't think India is trying to get back her lost glory. I would have been very happy if India did so. On the other hand its becoming more and more westernised.

India may be able to improve her financial backwardness but it has lost its spiritual heritage. The situation may improve if educated youngsters who are spiritually advanced make efforts.

neil s2008-03-22T15:33:43Z

The caste system is in the Rg Veda (10-90, 10 to 12), Atharva Veda (19-6, 6), Yajur Veda (31-11, 13 and 17), and Mahabharata, but it is merit based. Here is the quote from the Sati pratha is a practice based on a gross misunderstanding of the story of Shiva and Uma. Shiva withdraws his attention from Uma, and she enters into a fire. This is symbolic for transcendental consciousness (Shiva) ceasing to exxpress itself as space/time (Uma), and thus space/time dissolving (she enters into a fire). It is Mogul and British rule that has stifled the genius of the Indian nation, and created a view that makes women second class citizens. In the Vedic times, women were considered equal, and many rituals could not be done by an unmarried male.

At the time of Alexander the Great, when he came upon the western borders of India, those few Rajas he encountered gave him a "tribute" to leave them in peace that was virtually nothing to them, but more than was given by all the other territories Alexander controlled combined.

I suggest, however, that Mogul and British rule would not have been possible if India's spiritual traditions had not already fallen into decline. India alone started *as a culture* from a perspective that took consciousness as primary, thus explaining observation and laying the ground work for a full understanding of empirical (observation based) science. Modern science is just beginning to realize just what wealth of *empirical* data on this subject is waiting in the ancient texts of India. Every major meditative tradition in the world is influenced by, or gets its technique wholesale from, the Indian traditions. (1) The debt the world owes India for keeping the Vedic tradition alive is not payable.

Progress will be made by returning to these roots and using modern science to evaluate the claims. This should not concern those who already value this traditions, since the very structure of Nyaya is that of modern science. India had a renaissance that surpassed that of Europe a thousand years before their Western counterparts. Hopefully this great knowledge will arise again, and Eurocentric nonsense will be done away with, such as terms like "The Pythagorean Theorem", since that theorem was proven in India by the mathematician Baudhayana almost 2 centuries before the birth of Pythagoras. (2)

It's time India be recognized for it's unmatched contributions to humanity, and that Indians stop accepting nonsense like the Aryan Invasion myth, which has had every single shred of so called evidence that supported it shown false. It only serves to divide a culture that is entirely indigenous to that subcontinent.


Lord Mecaulay was an intellectual par excellence. His IPC is still so perfect and could not be bettered.. As someone here has said he need not be pulled down for his advocacy to the British rulers how to subjugate a society.. he smacks of the same genius that great criminal lawyers exhibit to favour their clients.. The intellectuals have not always been kind to the niceties of ethics when it concerned their aliens.. see how the maharahstrians are incited against the northerners in Mumbai.. the Kannadigas' parochial approach to sharing of waters with Tamils..!

Leave alone Mecaulay.. he succeeded in inspiring his rulers to incite confusion and hostility here.. the Aryan-dravidian myth created a hostility that continues bitterly till date.. see the speeches of the Tamilnadu ministers against the aryan descendants (meaning brahmins) day in and day out.. The voice of intellectuals are least audible against the terror struck by some in the name of their religion.. but most noisy when defending the artistic flavour of Hussein in the pics depicting Hindu gods in nude..!!

we are now slaves of a foreign culture.. and the converts to their religion and culture are the greatest stumbling block to the preservation of the great native culture.. Someone here scoffs at the worship of cows and snakes.. Such begots do not have the mind to see the beauty of other views to godhood..

dont get agitated over what has goneby.. we now have greater villians inland in the form of media - the Tv in particular - which show Indian women with untied hairlocks, topless costumes,dance and music that are least qualifying the appellation of fine arts.. traditional music and dance were proved to generate favourable vibrations that soothed the body and mind of the performer and the audience..

But the better days are indeed coming.. there is light at the end of the tunnel.. the holy ones are already paving way for the revival of the ancient glory.. Jai hind..!


Any man(Indian or otherwise) is prone to suffering only when he discards spiritual pursuit and life for lesser things- this is a fact
If this speech is true then indeed THIS man is a horrible person..whether or not its true one thing is true -that the backbone of Indians is thier spiritual and cultural heritage

Its high time that Indians recognise the value of thier smalll small old age valuable traditions and religious + cultural heritage and throw away the fetish for westernisation

From the Indian manner of eating food while sitting barefooted on the ground to the science of yoga everything has a meaning , reason and basis which even Westerners have been recognising and adopting

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