I have two WWE Hall of Fame related questions..(questions inside)?

I apologize if these questions were asked before, but.....

-Does anyone else think there are more worthy candidates to be inducted this year over Eddie Graham? I believe, from what I know of Eddie Graham, that there are better candidates than him for this year.

-Am I the only one that thinks the induction of Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia is just a ploy to get The Rock to appear? I know many obsessive fans have been begging for The rock to make an appearance, and I think this is just a way to get him to appear.

What do you think?


I don't think these people aren't worthy, but I wasn't thinking this year. I was thinking maybe in another year or two (especially Peter Maivia).

The Dragon2008-03-23T04:04:23Z

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I'm becoming quite cynical when it comes to the WWE, and especially, Vince McMahon.

I saw Peter Maivia wrestle (he was one of my first favorites). I saw Rocky Johnson, too. Both of these guys do deserve to be in the Hall Of Fame, but it should've happened many years ago when more people knew who they were. I don't think it's a coincidence that both are being inducted THIS year. The WWE fans were upset that The Rock didn't appear at all on the 15 year anniversary show. I don't believe there is any man (or woman) who would NOT show up to induct his/her father and grandfather into a H of F. Of course, I don't know what took place behind closed doors, but it was announced that both would be inducted to the H of F. This all but guarantees that The Rock will be at Wrestlemania (what would it do to his public image if he no-showed THIS?). I think, though, that this was more a ploy to get The Rock to appear than anything else. Why else are his father AND grandfather being inducted at the same time?

I have been a wrestling fan for 41 years and I don't recall ever seeing Eddie Graham in the ring. Of course, I know who he is -- one of the greatest promoters. I had to wiki it to double-check, and I was right in thinking he has never worked for the WWF/E (unless you want to count four short reigns as the NWA United States Tag Champs 50 years ago before that title was absorbed into the WWWF in 1963). The point is, the vast majority of WWE fans have no idea who Eddie Graham is and it doesn't make sense why he is being inducted into the WWE H of F. I'm not trying to downplay his importance to the wrestling business (besides being one of the great promoters he was one-half of a very successful heel team), but it's odd that he's being inducted this year. There are a lot more suitable inductees (quite a few mentioned above me in other answers).

Being cynical about Vince, I think he's saving Austin, Jake, etc. for times when putting them into the H of F will make him more money (that's all Vince really cares about anyway). He's got The Rock coming this year; he doesn't need to put Austin in to attract PPV buyers. Eddie Graham is deserving to be in the H of F for his contributions to pro wrestling, but he's mostly unknown to today's WWE fans. In all honesty, I think he was put on the list just to fill a spot.

P.S. I'm glad you're back! There has been a shortage of "meaty" questions lately. Keep 'em coming!


There are way more worthy candidates not in the H of F yet. The Funk brothers, Randy Savage, Arn Anderson, hell, even The Ultimate Warrior is more worthy than Eddie Graham. I'm not sure why he is getting inducted. Maybe Dusty Rhodes asked for him to get inducted?

Maybe, but Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia deserve it. But I do see what your saying. That was probably the only way Vince could get The Rock to appear.


Four Horsemen AKA NinersFan2008-03-22T12:59:26Z

1) Of course there is, from Randy Savage to Jake Roberts but i think since Mania is in Florida and Eddie Graham was a huge promotor in Florida inducting him makes sense, so I have no problem with it.

2) Rocky and Peter both should be in the HOF, but i think the only reason they are going in is so the Rock will make an appearence. If The Rock couldnt be at the HOF ceremony trust me Rocky and Maivia wouldnt be going in this year.

The Stinger(RAW)2008-03-23T23:08:11Z

Yes There Are more deserving People Than Eddie Graham like Jimmy "The Mouth Of The South" Hart Or Owen Hart Or Jim Neidhart Or "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Yes It Probably is just A Plot to get The Rock To appear because the fans like seeing The Rock do Promos And they'd Like To see Rocky One More Time And Give the rock Chants Of "ROCK ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY"


I believe Jake "The Snake" Roberts should be put in over Graham, so should Macho Man.

And of course Rocky Johnson and Peter Maivia are put in because of the Rock. Especially Maivia.

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