If U Get Note of Best Answer, How do U LEARN Which Question?


Favorite Answer

There are three ways. Either through your e-mail or by going into your profile.

.Near the top of the screen should be your avatar and your name. click on your name. It should bring you into your account.
Click on My Q&A
Then go down and look for the tab marked My answers.
Then click on the link for best answers.
You should then be able to see the questions that have been selected as best answer.

I get notes on my e-mail. So I go to my inbox andlook for the message that says, your answer has been selected as best answer. Open up the e-mail message. It should then say which question is your best answer. Then you can click on the question and see it for yourself.

Finally, the other way is to see your account details. Go back into your profile by clicking on your name below your avatar, look for your account details tab. There should be a tab for this. Then look for the entry that says your answer was selected as best answer. You should be able to click on that and see the link to the actual Q&A.

Gina Cat2008-03-22T16:00:56Z

click my profile at the top right under discover.

scroll to the middle of the page where there are four tabs. right below the tabs is a link for "Best Answer."

St N2008-03-22T16:05:37Z

The e-mail will show you the question and if you want to see more details, you can click the question and it will open up Yahoo answers and that question.


This has nothing to do with this particular question, but i'm responding to a past question that you posted.

I know where Bobby and Jackie from Savannah are located. If you are still looking for them, send me an e-mail.


It's in the email (you can click on the link) or you can look on 'MY PROFILE' and under the 'my answers' tab you can choose between 'all answers ' and 'best answers'


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