How can i create a Video using a specific idea ? (read details)?

I would like to create a music-video with an editing software...
Its fast music, and i need need to do many fast and dramatic cuts which match the music pattern.
Now i thought i create an additional videotrack where i can actually see ..'changes' .. helping me to 'see' where to put in sequences i preselected somewhere....
trouble is ... how ?
From filming a VU-meter on the mixer to paying for a dancer jumping around to the rhythm......any idea is highly appreciated....

Or is there any software on the market doing some sort of thing ?

(The thing is.. i did hat without such a 'helping track' and it needs DAYS for just 5 minutes music)

who did that before and how, using which software ?

yeah and sure this is the wrong category .. any idea in which it would fit ?

Sridhar G2008-03-23T01:49:46Z

Favorite Answer

Check these links for more info..

Hope the above help u to a certain extent atleast if not fully..



You need to listen to the beat, and determine the rhythm, then make the cuts on your own, you should be able to slowly move through the track frame by frame, those pop sounds that you hear are the beat.
you do not "see" the changes you hear the changes.

you can film someone dancing and if they do not dance perfectly you can actually make jump cuts to the rhythm, it will make it appear as though the person is dancing perfectly to the beat.
I use Final Cut Pro

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