10 POINTs to the person who gives me...?

-The most random thing you can think of
-Gets the most ratings (good or bad)
-doesn't complain about this question being weird hahaha

ףαdy Đuchess×2008-03-23T06:47:21Z

Favorite Answer

is ur avatar wearing any clothes? cuz it looks naked!


Girl: Margaret, Prudence, Anabeth Boy: William, Jude, Peter


Little green leprechauns floating on a cornflake watching the Republicans kill each other over medical care and Johnny Depp and Keira Knightley making out on a stool in a yellow sea of Vitamin Water.


-doesn't complain about this question being weird hahaha

your question is not weird

okay random

An ostrich's eye is bigger than its brain

A lesbian with big fat fingers is considered "well hung"

Most cats named Rubina will bite you on the toe

Midgets are the last to know it is raining


A porcupine who sings party tunes and is sitting in a tree on Pluto singing Wannabe by The Spice Girls....... well i cant do anything about the ratings thats up 2 te Y!A answerers...... the question isnt weird i dunno about the asker though.......:-P
(total joke)
AnnaBanana xxx

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