What are your "Top 3 Do's", morally speaking?

It seems that when people talk about their morals, they get confused and say things like "Don't have sex before marriage".

But that is not a Moral... it's a rule or code of conduct for some people but it's not a genuine Moral.

Morality is more like a To Do list...

Here's my Top 3:

1) Do unto others
2) Find the most peaceful solution
3) Count by what I've shared, not what I've owned.

What are your Top 3 morals?


Favorite Answer

Don't judge a book by it's cover.
Love others; but first & foremost-love yourself.
Always do what you believe is right, no matter what.


Where I live, a predominately Catholic country by the way, there is legal marriage and religious marriage. They are separate issues. People who are religious generally have two ceremonies. The first is the legal one where the union is recognized legally and confers the legal status, rights, and benefits from the State. It is usually performed by a government employee. The second ceremony would be their religious ceremony that joins them in the eyes of god according to their personal beliefs performed by clergy or representative of their religion. A religious ceremony alone though doesn't confer legal rights or marital status by the state. Its just about their personal religious beliefs. So no, marriage is not an exclusively religious institution and even in religions there are different religions and differing points of view on it.


For everybody?

1. Respect people.
2. Make people happy.
3. Make yourself happy.

For Myself?

1. Protect my sister.
2. Make sure she lives a happy life.
3. Conquer the world so I can give her everything she needs. (And also bring peace)


1) love others no matter Wat or how naive(gees keep making excuses ) as in seeing good when I can
2)live the good life as in taking the right road OK I'm allowed the odd side street to get there not perfect
3)And seeing I don't own that much the bank does oops do they share ....give what or share what I can ..its not a lot but every little counts .....


Similar to Abb:

1) Love
2) Learn
3) Live

I only have one Don't:

1) Do not maliciously harm others.

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