If you could meet your favourite cricketer...?

in one of these of places, which one would you choose?

a) Grocery store
b) Pet store
c) The park
d) Your office (if you have one)
e) The beach

pick from above only


star* if you liked it ..My first time asking for stars lolz

Peanut Butter Jelly2008-03-23T21:06:34Z

Favorite Answer

Good Question there !!!

Well, I woud like to meet Sreesanth in a Park...
I wud have a game with him, will try my best to incite him again just like the Oz did, and will see if he dances again lolz

In the end, i will take some tips from him of how to control anger....i relly need em, seriously !!



Well, I only ever played backyard cricket - I enjoyed it and grew up with the game (I come from India). My favourite cricketer is a very good chef so I would probably talk about his game, his likes and dislikes - cook him and Georgie a meal and exchange a few recipes with him. Yes, his name is Simon.


Dear Fuzzy,

I choose the pet store, and never in my office. I would wish for my favourite cricketer a long and healthy life .

your Rehman bhai

P.S: If my favourite cricketer likes pets, I would know that we have something in common other than cricket!


The park.

I met Michael Clarke though not in the park but it was at the local cricket ground, he was awesome and gave a short lesson to kiddies.

~~ D E S H B H A K T ~~2008-03-24T07:18:49Z

I would like to meet my favourite cricketer in a park or beach

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