Is it ok to drink and drive when you are on a 12 hour car drive with a 20 month old in the backseat?

remember it's 12 hours of screaming and kids music


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I wish my Dad let me drink and drive when I was only 20 months old. I had to wait until I was three.

Will you adopt me?


When I was little we had one of those totally 70's vans with carpet and drapes... We used to take road trips and I remember my dad asking me to bring him up beers from the back cooler as he was driving, with little kids in the car and staying up for over 48 hours on end to get where we were going on time! Nice! Really nice!


Not more than a 12 pack. Thats only 1 an hour. I bet the baby could even handle that much.


Is this for real? NO! of course you shouldn't drink and drive. Even more reason being you have a long drive ahead of you and you need to concentrate plus you have a baby. Get real!

Rick T2008-03-24T16:45:22Z

Yes but just make sure the 20 monthold child is in the car in front of you

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