What do you think Heaven will be like when you get there?
This question is for those who believe in Heaven.
What do you think it will look like? Do you think we will have literal mansions? Do you think we will worship God all day praising and praying?
Tell me what you think it will be like there in some detail.
minnetta c2008-03-25T08:46:16Z
Favorite Answer
Well, Hello My Little one! What a Lovely Question.....! First of all, the Bible discribes Heaven to a "T"....And NO One Wants to Miss Heaven. (I would think).... We will SEE JESUS, Our Savior! >> We will spend eternity with Our loved Ones! > There will never be any disappointments, Tears, Hunger, Thirst, Heart-aches, Funerals, Hearts that are Bleeding & broken, No Weariness, Sorrow, Or Cares about Late Bills, Mortgages, or Loans! JUST THINK, ALL WILL BE SUNSHINE & GLADNESS> With Never A SOB OR A SIGH! ( THIS IS what We receive JUST for Accepting JESUS as OUR LORD!) What A DEAL!!! Psalm 23 !
Heaven in some ways has got bad press, especially with the common misunderstanding of Heaven is that in Heaven we are going to be singing praises forever and ever, playing harps and all that.
That leaves out a lot of the simple pleasures we take so much joy in. For instance, like the joy of a baby, or the pleasure of drying our clothes in the warm sunlight, or the satisfaction of a job well done, or just simply enjoying a good book or a newspaper in the morning. Paul said now we see "through a glass darkly," a poor reflection in a dim mirror. But some day this dark glass will be removed and we will be able to see clearly and be able to enjoy the real meaning of being a human being created in the image of God. The point is when the dark glass is removed, the view of Heaven is not going to change. It is going to become clearer. When that happens, I believe the things that give us pleasure in this world will make much more sense and give a whole lot more pleasure.
Please Understand that you have been listening to people and not what the bible has to say about it. Heaven and earth will come to an end as it is there will be no need for heaven anymore...... First Jesus Christ will come as the king of Kings and the Lord of Lords and raine for 1000 years to make this short after that God will come to the earth and the Sun will no longer be needed As God will be the only light we will need. Some people will be spirit and there will be people of flesh and blood The bible tells how thick walls will be and all about the jewels and gold that things will be made of and gives mathamatical details to perfection using Gods math. WE will rule WITH GOD UNDER GOD! with Jesus Christ.. the planets will be given Life by us we will create under God and given details on how to create! Saten has hidden these facts from the world. God will reinstate these facts and understanding You would be shocked at Gods forever Plan FOREVER PLAN!!!!! for the rest of your> eternal life It's a big one we won't be able to comprehend this in our life time God is way to powerful There's no way we humans will understand at this point in out lives Again This is real BIG!!!!! God Bless you dear AND HANG ON!!! It's on it way However the United States, England and All of Juda will fall as we have failed to listen to God We as a nation are in big trouble with God We have had a good ride on King Davids coat tail God kept his promise to King David Now it's over we are his seed and we the Tribe and Tribes of Juda have angered God we will and are going to pay!! But there is Great Hope Thank you for such a major question Tony Burke
Mankind was made to live on earth, that was God's purpose from the beginning. As regards the heavens, to Jehovah the heavens belong, But the earth he has given to the sons of men. Ps 115:16