Christians - I need your input. Serious answers only PLEASE.?

I've had some bad stuff happen in my life the past few days and I was having a conversation with someone (talking about God, etc.) when I got goosebumps - sounds simple, but for whatever reason I notice that a lot of times when I am having a conversation about God that that happens.

Since I am having a rough time about some things right now, I said a prayer yesterday that God would give me peace and show me somehow that He is there - now going back to the conversation I was having yesterday (later in the day after I had prayed), I felt goosebumps and for whatever reason was prompted to ask this person if they had ever experienced that and what that meant to them.

Their answer was yes they had felt that before and that they believed it meant God was near.

My question is this: Was this an answer to my prayer? Ever since then I have felt a lot better (still sad but definitely more peaceful).

I would love your input please. Thanks and I hope all this made sense.


Even though I have done something horribly wrong? Would God still give me peace?

© ♪♫♪ tori ♫♪♫2008-03-24T17:36:38Z

Favorite Answer

Yes. The spirit of God was with you. Your prayer was answered because you are more peaceful today. Continue asking the Lord for His help, He will never abandon you.

He is near all the time, but when you especially need him, believe and trust him to help carry you through the problems.

This is one of the most poignant poems ever inspired:
Footprints in the Sand
by Mary Stevenson

One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
other times there were one set of footprints.

This bothered me because I noticed
that during the low periods of my life,
when I was suffering from
anguish, sorrow or defeat,
I could see only one set of footprints.

So I said to the Lord,
"You promised me Lord,
that if I followed you,
you would walk with me always.
But I have noticed that during
the most trying periods of my life
there have only been one
set of footprints in the sand.
Why, when I needed you most,
you have not been there for me?"

The Lord replied,
"The times when you have
seen only one set of footprints in the sand,
is when I carried you."

Copyright © 1984 Mary Stevenson, from original 1936 text, All rights reserved


When God is first calling you the effects can be incredible. Goosebumps are often a result. Often as Christians mature they long for the feeling they had when God first answered their prayers.

Why is this? Perhaps it is God's way of letting doubters know he truly exists. Do you read the Bible? If not, or you have and never understood it, try again. It is amazing how God can open your eyes, and you will begin to understand concepts that seemed foreign to you before.

Know this. God exists. I have experienced him first hand so many times that I no longer have any doubts. He is not a myth, not only does he deliver peace into your life, he delivers eternal life into your future. He is not a jailer, he brings freedom to deny Satan's temptations and the death he brings.

Pat G2008-03-24T19:04:58Z

I don't think anyone REALLY answered your question, so I will make a stab at it. You indicated you have done something horribly wrong. I have no idea what that is, but if you want to note me privately, we can discuss it. Since you feel in your heart that you need reconciliation with God because of this thing you did, and I would agree that you would, then the issue isn't whether you FEEL an answer from God, but rather, have you been reconciled to Him? Have you repented of whatever you have done, and have you been assured of His forgiveness? Jesus died for every sin you ever committed or will ever commit. Goose bumps can be a response to something someone said that may or may not be correct. You may have found it comforting. In my personal experience, peace is a grounding, an inner certainty, that is never shaken by things that happen TO me, including being seriously in need of something I'm not getting. But until you have been reconciled to God, whatever you are feeling isn't assurances from God. I don't know your heart, and neither does anyone else here. So for them to tell you without a doubt that you felt God simply misses the point that WE cannot know.

Do you believe in the true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, three Persons in one God? Do you believe that Jesus died for your sins, and that there is NOTHING that YOU can do to be saved except to cling to Jesus?

So if you do, seek His forgiveness for whatever it is you have done, repudiate it, and ask His help not to do it again, and THEN deal with your own attitude. Did you forgive yourself, based on God's assurance of forgiveness? God doesn't lie. Sincere repentance brings forgiveness.

Emotions are fickle. We cannot rely on them to tell us what our state is at the time, with respect to God. God is ALWAYS near. When we think He's far, it's because we have left HIM and not the other way around.

In our church, our pastors assure us of God's forgiveness. This is so important. They tell us that if we have sincerely confessed and repented, we ARE forgiven. Churches that refuse to do this are spiritually abusive, in my opinion.

I hope this helps, and PLEASE feel free to note me. Thanks, and may God bless you with the joy of His salvation.


Florence B2008-03-24T17:39:41Z

Oh yes! Jesus was near and was answering your prayer. I know because I go through similar experiences. The key is, according to my Pastor, that you feel at peace. We will not always be happy in this life as Christians, we will not always understand God's ways, but if we feel at peace, then we can be sure God has spoken to us. Whatever the Lord allows in our life, He will be there with us, holding us in his loving arms.
He will turn your trials for good, somehow.

You sound very close to Jesus. And that would give anyone goosebumps!

'Jesus I trust you completely to meet my needs in your timing and according to your methods. I will continue to obey you by the power of your spirit, believing as I do that you will take care of me'

Oh my, how Jesus does love you.


It sounds like you have experienced a touch by the Holy Spirit. God is responding to you, keep seeking Him. Pray constantly - that is to have an ongong conversation with God. Talk to Him just like you talk to your friends.
Some people here are going to give you some grief for what you are experiencing - ignore it. Make God your source.
As for having done something horribly wrong, we all have. But, that is no excuse for any of us. The great thing is that God IS THE source of peace. He forgives us even when we cannot forgive ourselves. Go to God, ask forgiveness for that specific thing you did, and receive your forgiveness and your peace. After that, it will do no good to bring it up again, because God has forgiven it and forgotten it. It is as if it never happened! Ain't God great?
Thank you, Jesus, for the way to forgiveness!!!

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