How much does it cost to go from Amsterdam to Brugge?

I am looking for the most economical way to get from Amsterdam to Brugge or Ghent. The bus does not seem to work as it does not go the dates we want to travel. Must travel April 11-16. The websites will not give an "international" fare so I can't really see how much it is.

blα blα2008-03-25T01:21:13Z

Favorite Answer

I wasn't clear what you meant - if you wanted a return leaving 11th & returning 16th or a one-way ticket anywhere between 11-16th.

Anyway here is what comes up ( price per person) for bus/coach & train

Eurolines (coach)
- single ticket from A'dam to Gent (as it doesn't go to Brugge) on 11th April costs €16.00 (€14.00 promotional ticket)
- return leaving 11th April returning 17th April (as no trip 14-16th) costs €24.00 (€18.00 promotional ticket)

Train (standard 2nd class fare)
- return 11-16th = €84.40 to Brugge and to Gent is €74.00
- single 11th April = €42.20 to Brugge and to Gent is €37.00

Hope this helps

The sites are as follows:

Pete C2008-03-25T03:05:14Z

Best place to look might be "man in seat 61" web-site. He has much information about train travel

DG2008-03-25T04:18:54Z shows 84 Euro return


Goto and book there book in advancce to get a cheaper fare


without railpasses or student cards its € 42,-