why do you believe that there is AIR?

The question is: Do you see the air we breathe? If no, then why do you believe that there is AIR?

These questions make me SICK! Really people learn some basic chemistry before you go and compare presence of air to presence of God.


or should I say absence of God.


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I agree...

You can "capture" air molecules, and even look at them under an electron microscope, but...

You certainly cannot capture "God" in a flask or "slide" or even on camera, so...

The comparison is lame...

Edward J2008-03-25T05:14:37Z

Okay here is new material. There is no empirical evidence of anything before the big bang. Scientists agree that the big bang is evidence for a creator. (Anything that begins to exist must have had a cause). But many scientists unhappy with the theological implications have embraced many theories about mulitverse etc just to avoid the big bang. Yet they have no evidence while the big bang does have evidence. So how is it they can embrace that belief without evidence and reject the notion of God claiming there is no evidence?


Yes, you can spray a can of spray paint into the air and see it move. You can measure the components (CO, CO2, N2, O2, etc) of air by passing it through a mass spectrometer. You can gather data about air.

There is plenty of evidence that air exists. There still is absolutely no evidence that any god exists.

lady 162008-03-25T05:19:38Z

are you comparing the sight of air with god? That's not what they mean when they say that. What it means is that you can't see air but you live and thrive on it, just like you do with god, its what keeps you alive and even when you can see it you can feel.

Pagan Dan2008-03-25T05:09:41Z

Just because one person makes a stupid comparison doesn't mean all of us Christians are stupid, or that our beliefs are either.

Stupid people don't make me sick. I try to be patient and kind with them, because that is the Christian thing to do.

Mind you, sometimes I want to smack them, but that's because I'm not a very good Christian.

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