Have u reported an answer before?

When do you feel that you have to report an answer?


Favorite Answer

If it breaks the community rules.


I think it is silly to report people. I seem to get reported though. I answered a question the other day, and now I don't even remember what it is about but I got reported for my answer. That was a first. It had to do with babies. LOL I don't know how to go back and find my answer to figure it out. Some people are just trouble makers.


Yes, I did once when a racist answer was posted. I didn't report it right away but commented on it in my answer. My answer was reported so I felt obliged to report the offending answer. Just another example of the double standards practiced by Y!A.


I've never reported an answer. I've seen some that should be reported though. LOL I think they're funny, you know people do things for shock value. I just keep it moving along.


yes a few times but the questions were inappropriate for this site...some people are just sick in the head, i never report for no reason though...i only do it if it's racist or something else that's not nice for others to read...

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