Have you personally done any research regarding Global Warming?

Global warming has happened before in documented history during the Middle Ages. Read the book "The Great Warming" by Brian Fagan. It is well documented.


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There has ALWAYS been cycles in the Earth's climate, both warming and cooling. There are many scientists now coming out saying that they were DENIED, DENIED entering their data in Al Gore's warming debate fiasco. With everyone RUSHING to try to fix a warming globe, we are creating MORE DEVASTATION than IF we left things alone. Food WILL & IS becoming too expensive for many, soon we will be out of beef since the farmers are selling their cattle at a too young of age so they don't have to pay the price of increased feed, ethanol creates SMOG which is worse than what is going on now mind you, this is just the "tip" of things to come. There will always be "fanatics"............but believing in such fanatics more than likely has always, always created more harm than good.

J S2008-03-25T12:03:27Z

Yes, and the causes of many prior warmings are what provide us with evidence that our CO2 emissions are responsible for the current warming.

The Medieval Warm Period may not have been warm globally (see related question a few before yours) and it stopped roughly where we are today( where we're starting). It does not prove that we will survive.

The current rate of warming is also much higher than at any point in the last several thousand years:

New Research Confirms Antarctic Thaw Fears - Spiegel Online
"The paper also states that the thickness of the Pine Island Glacier has shrunk by an average of 3.8 centimeters annually over the past 4,700 years. But the Smith and Pope glaciers have only lost 2.3 centimeters of their thickness annually during the past 14,500 years. Satellite measurements taken between 1992 and 1996, though, show a loss of 1.6 meters in thickness per year on the Pine Island Glacier -- a figure that represents 42 times the average melt of the past 4,700 years."

Climate change science is much better documented than any one guy's book (targeted at a willing audience of people who don't want to acknowledge the issue).


I'll tell you what I think about global warming, I think it is a bunch of BS. We just broke the record for the coldest winter here in Ohio again, and the summers are staying the same. Basically, it's not even occurring, don't listen to scientists, these are the same people that think we evolved from apes. Liberals can be liars, that's why I'm an independent moderate.


Yes in the late 1980's early 1990's when less was know and the issue was not public. It was scary when you dug into it and really explored the what was well know (the natural variability and solar radiation stuff), connections between the climate system and other ecological cycles (CO2 cycle, hydrologic cycle for example), uncertainties, and potential impacts. Did that for 3 years to determine the range of impacts on North American forests.


Yes, and it consisted of much more than reading some book.