have you ever had a nightmare so real you could feel the pain?

i have nightmares so real i can feel the pain. i have felt bullets and knives rip through me and all that.

Gothic Princess2008-03-25T16:39:46Z

Favorite Answer

Yes, once I had a dream I was suffocating and it felt so real I thought I was going to die. I kept running around my house in my dream and opening windows and trying to breathe but I couldn't get to any fresh air. It felt like I was constantly straining for breath and the air was unbearably hot! I think it was because I had my head into my pillow lol!

I have also felt mental pain in dreams. I dreamt a close relative was murdered and woke up crying.


Yeh, Its really strange. Ive had dreams that i was in a car crash i actuallly thought it was real cause i could literally feel all the pain. I was fine when i woke up ovcourse. I think its quite normal. :]


Actually, I have. I was dreaming that my brother was being electrocuted (I can't remember why), but I could feel it. My muscles felt like they were going to stay contracted permanently. I don't dream like this often, thankfully.


Your heart is connected to your brain. what you dream or feel while you are sleeping has sought of a 3D or Imax impact.
if it continues or becomes painful please see someone professional like a shrink.


Nope. But have felt the panic of 'threats'.
