It might take me a while to get hard - I just got laid a few minutes ago.
Please feel free to browse my other questions, I post jokes all the time.
I posted this before and it was deleted within 6 minutes. Trolls must be working overtime!
@Prissie I remember that joke and it still cracks me up. I'm just wondering about the rest of your post, thanks for sharing the name of your husband's penis.
Ï †h®øw PëãÑü†§ Ć Ø£d £ãDïE§2008-03-26T14:24:32Z
Favorite Answer
1. so far this joke has lasted 6hrs. 1. (this 1 should have been 1) This is a top joke. Trolls....and being blond...what Im about to tell you is the absolute truth..... 3.Im only new to "Yahoo 7 answers", but the1st time I discovered you and your jokes was a clinical report... (see you do remember your 1st.).clinical report about the amount of money funded and spent on research,...primarily to answer the Q. about nobs, and their purpose... It was determined that it was to prevent mens hands hitting their forehead... Well. you ended up in addit.comments about trolls following you; reposting etc...Well I had NO idea what you were talking about..... 'NATURALLY' (being blond) assumed you were referring to your 'member' as a troll,,,or at least, the troll (Yr member) as being part of the joke... didnt completely get the connection but I'd heard people call their lil friends all sort of names, and well who am I to judge.
Eh, that reminds me. When my hubby arrived in Aust at 9-10yrs old a kid named Bruno came crashing into to him knocking him flying.... My man gets up brushes himself off, says to the boy, "You are such a farking diikhead Im gona name my preek afta you...." (and he did.)
Sadly, they spoke to their union reps and were told they hadn't been meeting their quotas the past couple of months, so expect them to be out in force. I typically carry a Stun gun around to use on them, to try and keep em back.