How important is your cell phone to you?

Mine is obviously not very important to me. I never answer it, I always forget it at home.

I kicked one of them off of the balcony once on accident.

Poll: cell phone or Morris Code?

(thanks lilbit)


Whoops, I meant Morse Code.

Oh well. I tried.


Favorite Answer

i feel like I HAVE TO HAVE a cell phone. But, I hate the particular phone I have (also hate the carrier). But once my contract is up, I'm going to another carrier and buying a good phone (no more free phones...they suck).

Scream Bloody Gore anti jonas2008-03-26T12:41:02Z

For what I paid for it($600), than it is very important. Plus I always need it for work or just for personal reason

Poll-Cell phone

Tony M2008-03-26T12:47:18Z

My cell phone is very important to me. It is the only phone that I regularly use.

Cell Phone.


It's extremely important to me. It links me to the where-abouts of my teenagers. I'm a worrier, and if I don't know where my kids are .. I worry, a lot. Once the kids have left home, I don't think I'll have much use for it. :)


I have all the local pizza places on my speed dial on there. If I lost it, I would have to use the phone book like a sucker. I'm not sure I could go on after that.

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