Is this fat or muscles on my abs, with pics.?

I'm 16 year old girl, 102lbs, 5'4.
I've been working out on my treadmill about 2.5miles 5-6 times a week, 100 bicycle crunches a day for 2 weeks.
Somewhat been eating right also.
My question is.. is this fat or muscle
& how can you tell?
this of my abs from earlier today..
[When flexed]
Btw, I like the guyish look. :]
so shh!


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ahah so i was looking at the picture and i was like damn this better be a girl because i sorta have to same kind of stomach.... and then you were so it's okay!

and i just stopped swimming like a maniac after i have been for a whole year... and i have watched my abs in formation convert to flab in formation... so this is how it goes...

so like underneath you got oodles of muscles... but you got some fat around the belly button especially just below... but not like OMG ew fat.... loosing 5 pounds would look extremely healthy on you.


The direct answer is - it's muscles for sure. Everyone is a bit different.

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Its muscle for sure because if it was fat it would look all flabby...Keep up the good work!


Yeah you are getting some deffinition on the sides, keep up the good work.


i cant really tell in the first pic but the second pic looks good. you're not fat!

lol marilyn manson. :) haha i just got done listening to rock is dead

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