Ironic bands names?

What bands have the most ironic names?

First one that comes to my head anyway is Joy Division.
Nirvana too.


Maybe the Pixies too..Frank Black doesn't look like much of a pixie!


Favorite Answer

Cute Is What We Aim For

their aim is way off target.


Squirrel Nut Zippers
Since when do squirrels put zippers on nuts?

Bowling For Soup
That just stinks as a whole.

Arctic Monkeys
Never met a monkey that likes the cold.

Die Mannequin
There's living ones?

Blind Melon
Does he have a cane?


Grand Funk. Don't get me wrong, they have a few classic hard rock anthems and all, but Grand? Maybe to Homer Simpson. And as far as the Funk part, those guys were about as funky as Pat Robertson.


Dead Kennedys. That name attracted a lot of hostility, but the DK's were not expressing happiness about the the Kennedy assassinations, nor implying that they were funny. Rather, they felt that those assassinations symbolized the end of idealism in this country- they ushered in an era of complacency and apathy that many of us feel is ongoing.

Shades of Grey♥2008-03-27T18:28:49Z

Some of the metal bands that play off religious themes:
Lamb of God comes to mind...

more.... (brain freeze)

Black Sabbath has the Black in there, so they don't count
Faith No More ~ enough said, so they don't fit either
Judas Priest ~ well Judas isn't any Christian's hero...

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