What was the funniest, weirdest thing you ever caught while fishing?


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Lets see....

When fishing in SE Alaska....

I caught a star fish once....must have been floating by with the current.

My Dad was messing around once and tied a herring to his anchor line. He caught a king crab.

I was snagging salmon by DIPAC fish hatchery in Juneau once. I snagged a fishing line (nothing new). I started to pull the line by hand hoping to get a snagging hook or something and the line pulled back. Here I snagged a fishing line that was still attached to a fish.

I saw a kid cast once and snag a seagull in mid-air. (After seeing the poor kid panic, I had to wade out and untangle the bird...not fun in about 35 degree ocean water).

This last story isn't what I caught as much as what we lost. My brother and I went to visit my Dad in Alaska and we went fishing on the boat. We caught a couple of nice silver salmon. My brother put the salmon on a stringer, tied it to a cleat on the boat, and put the fish in the water to keep them cool. Several hours past and we didn't get anything more. We looked over and saw a Sea Lion eating a nice salmon. We made some comments on how it looked like it caught a nice salmon and joked how the sea lion was doing better than we are. I don't recall why, but my brother looked down at the stringer and noticed the rope didn't look weighted. He pulled it up and the fish were gone. The sea lions stole the fish off of our stringer and that was what we saw them eating.


This is a great question. I have caught several strange things. I have caught a stinger full of live large mouth bass, I have caught nearly a whole trot line of snakes, needless to say that trot line is still in Lake Waco. I have caught an eel on the Tx gulf Coast, I have caught several Sting Rays there as well. But by far the craziest thing was a cat. Not a catfish but a cat. I was throwing a buzz bait down the bank at a lake, and I accidentally threw it on the edge of the bank, and a cat jumps out from a bush and grabbed it... I tried to yank it before it got to it, but I was too late, and ended up pretty much setting the hook. I panicked cut the line and it ran like hell with a Strike King buzz bait hanging out of his mouth.


Ive caught some pretty weird stuff:
-Once caught a fish in a local river Ive never seen, wish I had kept it cause Ive never been able to identify it
-a fishing rod
-a shoe
-6 ft alligator gar
-ice chest
-cormorant -- he dived in and swallowed a fish I had on my line
- and here is the weirdest....April of 95 I caught a dead human body in the Amite river. Luckily she hadnt been in the water but 24 hours or less so not too nasty.

Chimp Dancer2008-03-28T01:59:48Z

While fishing a small catwalk one night, I made a long and high cast out. I hooked this 2 pound sea trout. As I was reeling it in, a pelican dove into the water and ate my seatrout. I now was fighting a pelican. The Pelican takes flight and over the catwalk it goes. I give it a jerk to try and change it's course and out pops my sea trout. The sea trout then falls down on top of a passing Lexus and gets wrapped up on the antenae. I'm holding on for dear life because now I'm fighting a 2 ton vehicle. The car stops and goes into reverse. I'm reeling in the car right. The guy jumps out and starts freaking out but lucky for me I had several witnesses to the whole ordeal. Not only did I catch a sea trout, a pelican and a lexus, I got a trophy car antenae to boot. Still got it to this day!


Fishing off a pier years ago I caught a hip flask (empty whisky bottle). I tried to pull the hook out, and out came a small octopus --he'd grabbed my bait and crawled back into his "cave", and I'd reeled in both the creature and his house. So I tossed the flask in the trash and threw the octopus back, and half an hour later I caught another one -- it was a different hip flask, but it might have been the same octopus.

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