One of the Christians just told me that death is the penalty for sin and that Jesus paid the penalty for us.
1. Everything dies so death is not much of a penalty since we will all die anyway. Besides that would indicate that the good people would not die but they do. Many wonderful human beings die slow painful deaths.
2. I thought HELL was the penalty for sin. Which one is it ?
3. Jesus didn't die FOR REAL anyway ! That's right I said it he didn't. 1 1/2 days (not three since he supposedly died Friday afternoon but was walking around on Sunday) is NOT real death because
A. death is PERMANENT B. If he was really God then he KNEW he would wake up in 1 day and 1/2 if he didn't know then he wasn't God so it was just senseless human sacrifice
3. Why would God have to pay HIMSELF for our sins ?
I don't see how your religion makes any sense.
Vince Foster2008-03-27T22:35:17Z
Favorite Answer
Hell is the punishment for sin. You are on point again. I will be checking back to watch all of the mental gymnastic tricks they will be doing to try to justify this one.
I am willing to bet my left testicle that at least 3 of them will chastise you for not having faith.
p.s. next time tell them to READ THE WHOLE QUESTION because many of them will conveniently ignore the parts that prove they are wrong.
1. Everyone is under the curse of sin (Romans 3:23). That's why we are subject to physical death. Unless the second coming arrives before that, which is unlikely.
2. Hell is the penalty for the sin of unbelief (John 3:36). So if a person dies unbelieving, they are destined for eternal separation from God. In essence this is hell.
3. Death is normally permanent, but Jesus rose again. That's the whole beauty of the Christian message, that Jesus conquered death (Phillipians 2) providing eternal hope to all believers. The provision of eternal hope through the arduous human sacrifice is hardly senseless. It makes the most massive difference between a believer who's saved and a believer who is destined for hell.
4. Because no human - all humans are imperfect remember - can pay for their own sins.
Why are you asking us? What does the Bible say? You can look it up for yourself and see exactly whether the Bible teaches that death is the penalty for sin.
Check out Romans 6:23; also Genesis 2:17. And, no, you don't need to run out and buy a Bible. Just Google it. Go to Have fun and get back to us when you find out if death is the scriptural punishment for sin.
You have a lot of questions here so I will take my time.
God did not create us to die, God created us to live eternally, this is why death is so painful and feels so wrong to us. Adam and Eve screwed that up royally and their punishment was that now all of mankind must suffer death (along with quite a few other things.. . child birth, hard work, etc)
Hell is not the punishment for sin. Hell was created as a punishment for Satans pride at trying to overthrough God. Therefore Satan and all others who deny or defy God will be cast into the lake of fire, or Hell after the Final Judgement.
If you don't call being crucified "dieing for real" I am not sure what is. Crucifiction is one of the cruelest and most tormentulous ways to die every thought of.
No Jesus didn't really die on a Friday, just like he really wan't born on Dec 25th. Back in the day the Holidays were made to suit both Christians and Pagans, the Catholic Church thought that this would help with recruitment. A lot of historians and theologians will agree He probably died on a Wed. But Holiday's are holiday's and you just can't go changing them now.
Of course He knew He would arise He prophecied about it to his diciples. Knowing what's going to happen in the future does not make the events of the present any less impactful or painful. He didn't just die, This perfect being took on every single sin of every single person that will ever be. My sin probably hurt Him more that the whips and nails ever could.
God had to pay because He was the only thing worthy enough to be sacrificied. Back in Old Testiment times You had to bring your most perfect, spotless, blameless animal to be sacrificed before you could confess to a priest and God could hear your sins. It was a huge sacrifice for them because that animal was worth quite a lot. What human could possibly fit that bill? He was and is the only One who can solve our problems and I am glad He did. I am Glad to have a God who I know will sacrifice himself for me, that kind of love, I will follow anywhere.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23
Q 1 and 2: Death pertains to physical and spiritual death in Hell.The reason everything dies is because of sin. Q 3. Yes Jesus died and descended to Hell but its because he defeated death and rose again that we can live spiritually. Q 4 (3). God had to pay the penalty because only someone who is innocent of sin can pay the penalty for a sinner.
Email me and I can go more in depth if you would like.