Going Opensource in reality !!?

I have been using Fedora cores and Suse as well as Windows for a long time. Even though there are many opensource softwares which work on all platforms, my question is when will Opensource software replace existing commercial level software. I mean I found no powerful Opensource alternative to dreamweaver on Windows XP. Found no powerful enough PDF writer but I am still trying hard to stay OpenSource.

Me and few of my friends are contributing in reducing the Digital Divide by placing Computer,Net and training camps on remote areas. We are trying to keep our costs down through OpenSource software. Can you please provide a list of Opensource software that works in Windows XP SP2 which are needed to teach children things such as HTML, PHP, VB etc.


Oh and I would also like to know, how are you helping bridge the Digital Divide?


Favorite Answer

If enough people see, believe, and contribute to open source, then it will survive, and geeks willing, thrive.

keep coding!