Has anyone ever told you that they were planning on using your picture for their pest/rodent control?


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I have offered many times.
But the pest control industry threatened to sue..my pic was putting them out of business.


Only after I've seen a couple of state troopers and need help with the temptation to speed.


No, not yet ........ but the local farmers use my picture to hang in their trees and crops to keep the crows and birds away ...... I have always thought it was a tribute to honor a local sports hero ........but I am beginning to think it is for other reasons ....... lol ......... = )


No, but people have called me a manaty, if that's what they're doing to you then their just jealous of you and think if you feel bad about yourself then you'll stop being who you are and then they win! So never stop being who you are no matter what people say!

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