What's the best way to relax? i am so tensed up my neck muscles are bunched up and giving me?

headaches. i am under alot of stress. after the bs i have to finish this week off with i am going through the every day living stress of cleaning cooking keeping dishes done with 3 kids ages 6-16. the everyday cleaning is one thing i am also HOUSE cleaning and getting rid of clutter and excess because we are listing our house for sale at the end of may. my husband cant help out much hes been in a cast for 6 weeks he had surgery in february and his ankle tendon was cut apart in an accident and he has two pins in his ankle plus some glue etc. he gets it off tomorrow then goes through therapy. i have to give him a shower. give the kids baths except my teen, i have two dogs to take care of UGH!! not to mention which i almost forgot to do. i am a part time licensed teachers aide and sub so i work with a school of kids on some days!!!! i need some relaxation techniques so i can get rid of this headache without downing a bottle of tylenol!


Favorite Answer

Maybe if you did some yoga exercise and some meditations .

You could find a yoga teacher or a book and do the asanas,simple one not too difficult.

Walking is also a great exercise to do that is a natural relaxer.

Meditation is something that is taught and you could try to find a certified teacher;maybe a Tibetan monk:) or just do some basic meditation like this.


Of course a body massage always helps if you have massage clinics or spas in your area.

You have to make the time though for these.


Take a hot bath. Then take a long nap.
If you like to read. Read a book. Then you could do somthing you've been wanting to do for a long time.
Then when you come back home or if you didnt leave put on some sweat pants and a tee shirt and sit down and watch a movie with your favorite ice cream and a big spoon.


Take a good friend or relative to a fish and chips place and first have a couple glasses of wine and some easy going conversation....it helps to put it all in a different perspective


1)I like to take hot baths...
2)pick 2 hours out of the day and turn off ur phone ringers and just watch a good movie...
3)have a glass of wine right before bed....
4)have your husband give you a good back/body massage right before bed....(his hands are'nt broken right?)
5)my favorite one...have your husband make love to you...p.s. he does'nt have to use his whole body to do this ;)

anthony a2008-04-02T19:31:02Z

I stretch, read, or listen to music. Exercise is also good at stress management.

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