POLL: i am listing my house for sale at the end of may. i have 3 boys but one is an older teen the 6 and 7?

year olds are rough on their walls. its in a new addition part of our house but the walls look banged up and the contractor used flat paint instead of gloss im going to have them repainted gloss and the walls all touched up my question is this, do you think it would be best to wait until nearer to time to list the house to fix and paint the walls? i cant wait until we move out because even while we are living here the realtor is going to be showing the house off, would you fix the walls before they started showing the house if it was your house or just tell the people that it WILL be painted once we move out? i dont know what to do, i dont want them messed up after i fix them to where i have to end up refixing them anyways and i dont know when would be a good time to do the work . all opinions please?

Jack the Toad2008-04-03T06:11:56Z

Favorite Answer

paint it now.
use satin paint, flat will leave a mark if you look at it too hard and is not wash-able !
paint it white, it will make the room look bigger and new buyers are not looking to inherit your color choices !

Jim W2008-04-03T02:37:59Z

Fix the walls now and paint the whole room, and all of the house that you can. This is a big selling point for the agent. Paint it an off white, non gloss, finish.


I would paint before showing the house. Use semi-gloss, not gloss...it is durable and not so shiny [which can look tacky]

talk to the boys and show them what they have done to the current paint job; remind them daily until they are consistently not touching the walls

if the house is not painted, people will offer lower price, even if you say you will paint it; also choose neutral color


Off-white is a great suggestion - the more neutral the color the better. Flat is the best paint, otherwise the walls will have to be repaired perfectly. the more gloss, the more defects will show. There are washable flat and eggshell paints, which might reduce the need to re paint.


Houses show better with flat paint rather than gloss or semi-gloss. If you are looking for a trendy sheen, try egg shell. The shinier the coating, the more the drywall repairs will show.

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