How to improve driver & passenger survivability in motor vehicles?

Since virtually nothing is being done to prevent motor vehicle mishaps and the resultant death and injuries other than pay lip service to the problem, should all occupants of motor vehicles be required to wear crash helmets with face shields and neck braces similar to those worn by NASCAR drivers?...Would you wear one?..If not, why not?


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No, I would not wear a helmet or other crash devices like in NASCAR- what normal everyday person can afford that? I beleive car companies are doing their part- my Hyundai Tuscon will turn into a marshmellow on the inside if I'm hit thanks to all the airbags lol. People just need to pay attention to the road, their speed, other drivers, and hmmm I dunno- hanging up their cells for two minutes. People need to respect laws more as well- stop running redlights and drive at or close to the speed limits... Seatbelts and helmets aren't going to prevent deaths. The only thing that will is when people take driving more seriously...


No, me wearing glasses already created minor optical illusion during driving (due to reflection). Helmets will only multiple the effect.


For goodness sake, how far do you want "Health and Safety " to go!!!!!!?????? Just be careful and live. We can't be wrapped in cotton wool forever. Jeeeeez! By the way my answer is no, a resounding one as there is too much....DO AS I SAY from our governments.


No, because this has been tried before and tested and the outcome was the same, more people were had accidents due to these devices, they limited the movement as well as the drivers range of sight...................


No way, it impairs your vision and hearing.. making things worse..

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