license plate number?

can you find someones address by their license plate number


no crinkled (jack a$$) I want to know if someone can find MY address with it. You shouldnt answer questions if your going to be an idiot about it.


Favorite Answer

The only people that can get your address is law enforcement, attorneys, private investigators, etc. If you are an attorney, private investigator, you would have to go your local DMV, fill out a privacy protection form, indicating who you are (showing proof), and pay the fee.

So, your normal Joe Smith off the street cannot get this information.


Yes. I don't know of any resources which allow you to do that except the NCIC or the DMV.


Some people can, and some people can't.
You can't.
I don't anymore.
You can try, but that info won't be given unless you have certain clearance to go with the request.


I do it every day.


yes, since it registered with the dmv.

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