Help! Am i pregant...took morning after pill ..bleeding?

I took the morning after pill about 10 hours after intercourse and about a week later i started bleeding about the same amount as i usually do when i have my period, was that my period or was it implantation bleeding.. please help i am really worried.


btw i asked for help not a lecture i already feel as bad as it is why make it you have never made a mistake i take it?


he said he never actually ejaculated in me but theres theres the thing about pre-***..but saying this ive read that there can only be sperm presant if he had ejaculated before and that was the first time we done anything sexual for about a month.


Favorite Answer

I am currently in your same situation, but after lots of research I'm pretty sure its not implantation bleeding. I think it is just period come early. One of the side effects of EC is your period make come sooner or later and bleeding can be heavier or lighter. So good luck!


Taking the morning after pill is like taking a whole pack of birth control pills. It can start your period earlier. If you are that worried call your doctor and ask them about it.


who knows/ probably just your period. You sound worried about it being implantation bleeding-maybe you shouldn't have used the abortion pill if you gonna be worried and feel bad and maybe you shouldn't have sex if you aren't ready for children