Advice for someone in love with their best friend?

Here's the long and short of it. I have been friends with this guy since we were 8 years old (20 now). I've had a crush on him off and on over the years and I'm sure he had feelings for me as well, but we never acted on any of it out of fear.
I saw him for the first time in a year this past weekend and it hit me hard. I feel wonderful when I'm with him and he makes me feel worthy of everything (if that makes sense). Now I feel like I'm stuck between a rock and an incredibly hard place.
The real problems
-I don't want to screw up a good of my best
-He has an on-again-off-again girlfriend
-I hate the idea of not knowing if he cares about me in that way (or if he ever did).

What do I do? Help!


Favorite Answer

this is so confusing. i've gone thru it. i'm guessin that if the two of u have been friends for 12 yrs u have at least one mutual friend. if u can trust that friend talk it over with that person. work something out with him/her when they bring up u at one point in the past liking ur bf and see what his reaction is...or u could go the straight up way and tell him how u really feel. if i could tell u which way to go (which i can't) i'd go with the first way


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