Bipolar II disorder... hypomania?

i have rapid-cycling bipolar II disorder.i was diagnosed in january. i got a question...
ok, i have only had 2 "hypomania" episodes, but i only get them after i hit rock bottom (in terms of depression). is it strange i dont get them any other time? ( i wish i did...its awesome!!). why do i only get them after extreme depresive episodes? stable now, i went to the hospital and got new meds...i was just wondering how come i dont get hypomanic more often? why is it only after extreme depression? (last time, the depression ended up with me in a psych ward, and a few hrs after i got there...i was euphoric and so happy)


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A lot of times people with bipolar disorder type II are depressed most of the time and only experience hypomania every once and a while. Actually, I think that's the norm. This can be a problem if someone with bipolar type II is treated for major depressive disorder since the illnesses both require different medications. As for why you only get them after extreme depressive episodes; that's just how you are, there's nothing unusual about it. Bipolar disorder affects people differently. We don't know enough about the human brain yet to tell you exactly why your mood behaves the way it does.


I do that backwards cycle, too... and rapid cycle... and for fun, mixed states, too. Yeah, BPII, especially when it starts acting more and more like BPI, oh my what fun. Glad you're out of the nutty bin with your feet planted on the ground again. ;-)