Where can I get the Bare Minerals starter kit?

And is it free?


Favorite Answer

If you mean this kit
then it is on amazon and no it is not free it is $60


if you have an ulta near you they generally always have those starter kits and sephora's has them too.

and i was in target today and target has started selling some of those kits!! i was shocked!! but i didn't see any of the starter kits; your target might have them but mine didn't. have fun! bare minerals is an awesome makeup base; your skin will really glow. they are around 40-50 dollars.

and no, it's not free. they might be able to make you a sample. but why would anyone give it away for free? sometimes they have little pots they can give you to try. it never hurts to ask.

the only problem is is that it can sometimes get messy and you can't take it with you in your purse; it'll get jostled around and the powder will come to the top, making it all fall off when you open the lid. they do have these contaners that you can get though to carry in your purse; sephoras or ulta may have those.

just some pros and cons, but you really can't go wrong with bare minerals :-)


You can buy the Bare Minerals starter kit from http://www.healthandlifes.com/shop.php?c=Health&n=3760931&k=Bare+Minerals&s=sr&p=1&x=HealthPersonalCare


You can purchase the Bare Minerals starter kit at Sephora stores, or at their web site which is www.bareminerals.com
No, the starter kit is not free, it costs around $60.00.


no a bare minerals starter kit is not free but you can get it at ulta and places where there is cosmitics and stuff like that but i have bare minerals starter kit and it really doesnt work so i wouldnt recommend it and you know that it is animal protested!!!! RECOMMEND NOT TO USE!!!! hope that helped

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