Christians - let me get this straight - all the Jewish Holocaust victims are now burning in Hell for eternity?
Look for Part II of this question later this evening - somehow the Born Agains are afraid to answer or busy doing Sunday stuff or smething. Love you Christians who don't believe in Hell. (no sarcasm intended.)
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Yep, and if Hitler asked for forgiveness right before pulling the trigger, he is eating the tastiest bratwurst in his mansion in heaven.
Its one of the reason that Christianity is an immoral belief system.
If you think about what must have run through Hitler and Eva Braun's minds and what they discussed before killing themselves, you have to accept the fact that the question of the next life had to have come up.
Hitler was a Catholic while growing up, and although he warped his Christianity into something different while he was creating his party, you know that childhood thoughts and beliefs about God, had to have been running through his head and his care for Eva would have compelled them to prepare for the afterlife to the best of their abilities.
Like the Thief on the Cross, both of them likely called on God for salvation at the end.
That would be impossible. Apparently, many in the Christian faith, have not understood, their own Bibles. No, one goes to even the imaginary hell, of burning torment, until after the judgment day. According to the word of their own Bible, people die, but await judgment day, in a state of nothingness- no activity, no thought, no pleasure, no discomfort. According to the Bible book Ecclesiastes, what I have said is true. After Armageddon, the Bible book Revelation, says that there is to be a Resurrection of the righteous, and the unrighteous, THEN, and only then, are people sent to heaven, hell, or back to life on the earth. According to the words of the Bible, the delusion that all good people go to heaven, completely misses the fact that the Bible God, created the earth for humans to live on, AND, that no avenue to heaven was even available, until AFTER, people could put faith in Jesus, there has to be an earthly destination, for every faithful person who died, BEFORE Jesus died, because, without his sacrifice, it is (according to their Bible) impossible to go to heaven.
I mean, if you are going to believe in the Bible, then you should probably actually believe what it says, instead of this tradition that you guys invented that everyone goes to heaven or hell. Of course, the Bible itself, never says that people will suffer forever in hell anyways, for in the book of Revelation, death and hades (hell) are both thrown into the lake of fire, which to the reasoning person would mean that both are destroyed.
I'm not sure but when the revelation comes and Jesus relieves sin from the earth all none christians will go to hell. My friend nicely said that to me as I am NOT christian.
So apparently all these really great people/ people WHO DID NOT deserve to die are all in hell.
I would say that is messed up, but it simply isn't true. Holocaust victims are not in hell, however people as cruel to justify their deaths as sin should be.
Technically, the Jewish believe in the same God as Christians do. The only difference is that they don't believe that Jesus was their savior, so they are still waiting for theirs. All Christians did begin as Jews.
No one can determine who is going to heaven or hell because that is ultimately God's decision. We can only believe and live our lives by following God and learning from scripture, therefore, leading good lives that will hopefully lead us to heaven.
Some Christians believe that. I do not nor does my church. All good people who were ever born on earth will come forth in the first resurrection and be with Christ for 1000 years. I keep hearing people say to be taken to heaven Beep Wrong, Nope not to live with God, but to live under the leadership of Jesus Christ for 1000 years. Before the end of that the good jews and other good people will have to get down on bended knees and declare that Jesus is the Christ. Also there shall be One Lord, One Faith and One Baptism.