I've been having really bad dreams the past several nights and don't know what's causing it. Any ideas?

I've had dreams lately where I wake myself up because I'm yelling or crying. Once I even kicked something in my dream and woke myself up because I actually kicked one of my cats off the bed. Then of course the dream was so bad that I can't go back to sleep. Why is this happening? I'm not doing anything different before going to bed so that can't be it.


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If you can, try to sleep somewhere other than your bed, like in another bed or on the couch. I don't know why, but this happens to me about every 6 months, but if I sleep somewhere else, it stops. Sleep outside of your bed for two or three nights, and if it goes away after that, you should be able to go back to sleeping peacefully in your own bed.


I'm sorry you've been having these nightmares. If you've been in any stress lately, that may be causing it. If you've also changed your eating patterns, such as dieting or eating more, or if you've been taking medications. Or maybe there is something in the unconcious part of your mind that needs solving. Sorry, I know this answer probably isn't of help. But I'm just trying to suggest options for you, since I really don't know what is causing your dreams.

I used to have these dreams where I would be in this old house and I was walking down a hallway. It was dark, and there were doors on the left and right of the hallway, and then one door at the very end of the hallway. In my dream I am walking down the hallway, and start to open the door at the end, but then I turn around and there's someone behind me, but I never see their face, and then I wake up. I had the same dreams for years, but they stopped about 2 years ago. I have no idea what was causing them, but they just stopped. Hopefully yours will just stop too.


Could there be something that is bothering you that isn't so obvious to you? Are you trying to avoid anything?
Perhaps your hormones are out of whack?
I have noticed that when I wake up and go back to sleep, I will ALWAYS have disturbing dreams. Also not sleeping a deep enough sleep seems to trigger my bad dreams as well.
I hope this does not continue...bad dreams can really take a toll on people after awhile...I wish you sweet dreams : )


It may be lack of socialization. Or stress. Try relaxing a bit before bed, sleep with some nice relaxing sounds or if you need to talk to somebody just call them up and see if that helps


i had those before! i had nightmares where when i wake up after it, i get scared to go back to sleep in fear of dreaming it again, or something might happen to me when im sleeping. i think it's stress or maybe an incedibly hard factor you are having in your life right now? try relaxing before you go to sleep by listening to music or reading and they should go away. hope this helped!

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