boyfriend flirting with his cousins??

my boyfriend keeps flirting with this one cousin he has
he has pictures with her
he called her pretty
and when i said in the picture u look like your going to break her arm he goes nah i was just resting it on her
it doesn't sound right does it?
he never calls me pretty...he seems to treat her better than me
its making me feel upset and jealous in some ways
help what can i do?


Favorite Answer

Do I hear banjo pickin' in the distance?




ok this is akward for someone 2 be attracted 2 thier cousin but not his own girlfriend...all i got is talk 2 him like ask him am I pretty with a puppy dog face lol should work

Genuine Lady2008-04-07T09:07:53Z

Yeah it's pretty weird that he's sweating his cousin like that. Don't you see something wrong with it? You should find someone else girl. He needs the help not you.

Divine O2008-04-07T09:10:39Z

ther's this my cousin we are 5&6, bread & butter we go out together but he still has a girl friend the fact is that we can't marry since is cousin he can't marry a cousin so take it easy with him

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