Will anyone sign this 360 petition?



Thank you all so much for your votes and input...
You guys are the best...


Favorite Answer

It is a worthwhile cause, and very apt request - pointing out all the flaws of Yahoo! 360°, which we could only be grumbling about in private, until now !
So, I've wholeheartedly signed it.
Thanks for bringing it to users' notice - for I hadn't even been informed that they were planning to close !


Sign the petition to save 360....Last time I checked 3285 Signatures. I'm #504. http://www.petitiononline.com/keep360/petition.html




Yes I signed the petition this morning as soon as I read your question.

Branded with the Dark Mark2008-04-08T07:58:28Z

I've aleady signed; twice. Now I have been trying to get the word out about saving our 360. There are now 3,163 total signatures.

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