How do you define cheating??
relationship wise and at what point would you leave?? just curious
relationship wise and at what point would you leave?? just curious
Favorite Answer
Doing or saying anything that you would be uncomfortable saying or doing with your spouse present. Leaving should be discussed so the rules you both set for cheating are clear.
When to leave depends on the person and circumstances surrounding the cheating.
Definitely leave if there is no way to forgive because unforgiveness is death to a relationship.
Cheating can be as simple as asking for someone's phone number and then having that lead to a date. If someone is cheating on you, they have lost all respect for you and the relationship. Once that happens, it is difficult if not impossible to get things back to the way they once were.
Һסρε 2ӨӨ8
I think when it comes to dating/being engaged/married, cheating is all the same to me. I am married, and imo if my husband, kissed, oral sex & intercourse or anything 'romantic' 'intimate' 'emotional' would be cheating and i'd give him the big ol' boot...I wouldn't tolerate a man that couldn't respect me enough to keep it in his pants and play by 'the rules' so to speak. I'm worth more than that.
Well, my husband would leave me if I even kissed another guy and I would do the same if he even kissed another girl. If at any point you are doing something with someone that you would NOT want your spouse to know about, then you are cheating.
When they cheat the first time. Cheating is when one person engages in sexual or even emotional activity or even kissing with someone else other than their spouse or girlfriend/boyfriend.