Why did my question get deleated?

I asked a typical question on how do i scan for virusus before opening an email and Yahoo deleated it... I dont get it!!!!!!!!1


how explain to me was that against community guide lines??? it was a simple tecnical question???

brian 20102008-04-11T16:29:45Z

Favorite Answer

Judging by the wording of the question before its wrongful deletion, I see nothing wrong with it. All you wanted to know was how to scan for a virus before opening an email. That wasn't too much to ask. Trolls had other plans and forced Customer Care to delete it for no apparent reason at all.

I say you should launch an appeal to get that "bogus" violation overturned, so go here: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/answers/first_appeal.html

I hope this should help you out.


i have noo idea, they removed TWO of my questions today and theyve never done that before to me. im soo mad!

(edit) since its not against community guidelines, you should appeal it. or whatever thats called. lol.

James Crawley Maximus Meridius2008-04-11T21:57:38Z

its happened to me as well i had one question deleted because it wasn't answered
and it has happened to me in a long time


Click upper right "help" or "forum"


it was against community guidelines