How can I lubricate automotive suspension components that have no grease fittings?

My 213,000 mile car is making noises up front like it wants lubrication, but the only fittings are on the tie rod ends.

mister ss2008-04-11T16:34:23Z

Favorite Answer

If they don't have fittings you can't grease them as they are sealed, if they go bad you have to replace the parts now.


You can only lube the parts with grease fittings, all of the others are seaed up. The noises may be due to wear and lubing will not fix wear. You may also have dried out suspecnion bushings that can cause that - the fix is to replace. A good shop ought to be able to pinpoint the source for you and get it fixed. Hopefully without rebuilding the entire front end.

michael k2008-04-12T02:52:54Z

actually you can get grease into joints that have rubber boots. It is via a needle device (can be purchased or home made)..the home made one can be made from a inflation needle for basketballs etc., file the end to an angle so it is sharp and it will puncture the rubber. Once you do this however it leaves room for the possibility of moisture to get in. This is how you grease non serviceable items

phil anselmo is god2008-04-12T03:09:51Z

If there are no grease fittings you can inject the grease into the rubber boot via an injection needle attachment for your grease gun.


you cant!, they are factory packed. you just drive, until you need a part, then the new part should have a grease fitting. your noise might be the a-frame bushings, try spraying the bushings with some silicone spray.