What is the definition of Faith?
Every ones answer was the BEST itis so hard to choose. Thank you every one for your answers. I have found that my definition of Faith is-Taking God at His Word!
Every ones answer was the BEST itis so hard to choose. Thank you every one for your answers. I have found that my definition of Faith is-Taking God at His Word!
Favorite Answer
You really just asked this question instead of going to dictionary.com to find out? Bravo!
patricia b
Definition: " Faith is the assured expectation of things hoped for, the evident demontration of realities though not beheld." Heb 11:1...True faith is not credulity, that is, a readiness to believe something without sound evidence or just because a person wants it to be so. Genuine faith requires basic or fundamental knowledge, acquaintance with evidence, as well as heartfelt appreciation of what that evidence indicates. Thus although it is impossible to have real faith without accurate knowledge, the Bible says that it is " with the heart" that one execises faith.---Rom 10:10
Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
Except, when we read the following verses, we find faith includes actions. The entire chapter is commending actions to represent faith. Therefore, it does not seem to be complete without actions and as James said, faith without works is dead.
;you have it there as presented by fellow believers the rest are so hateful and hopeless to understand. to expect that cancer will will be heal even though the doctor has said go home and have a good life well what time you have expecting healing even when there is evidence that you will die---my aunt had cancer, we prayed over her, doctor did a second scan and nothing was there (no it was not a misdiagnosis).
God hears and heals and when we do not get healing it just means that we have served our mission--my cousin had cancer, we prayed, she did not heal, she passed away. As Job we need to be ready to take the good and the bad.
Marina 1
Faith in God begins by proving to oneself the belief in his existence and his interest in the affairs of mankind. It is strengthened by reading His Word and accepting his promises within as a certainty. Ones faith is strengthened by recognizing the hundreds of fulfilled prophecies in the Bible. To those who put their trust in God by continuing to follow divine guidance from scripture they gain true faith and see his hand in their lives. They experience God's presence by being enlightened by Holy spirit to understand His purpose for mankind. They have received answers to their earnest and sometimes most seemingly improbable prayers by awaiting for them to be answered in His due time. If they lack faith, God gives more as long as they are truly seeking it and are working in harmony with His will.