What is the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN doing to continue to support Iraq?



Obviously I care, or I would not have answered asked the question. If you want to know what they are doing about the rest of the world ask it in open forum, don't ask me. I don't have a specific interest in that at the moment, I have an interest in Iraq and therefore I did not ask about the rest of the world. My point is there is no information available since 2005 coming from the FAO and I had an interest and asked the question. If you do not have the answer, then don't reply.

Jayne says READ MORE BOOKS2008-04-13T04:32:47Z

Favorite Answer

Why did you answer your own question with a web link? What's your point?


FAO tries its best t help as many countries as possible when food issues become serious and affects the local population badly eg darfur, aceh, burundi, laos, etc. likewise with iraq as there is a humanitarian issue - the war causing it. FAO wil assist wherever possible and as long as there is no danger and protection to their staff

FRAGINAL, JTM2008-04-16T12:05:36Z

FAO is not interested in Iraq because it did not submit to UN inspections for its development of weapons of mass destruction.


Who cares. What are they doing to support everyone in the world, not just Iraq?